Renewable Energy Project: Solar Panels & Energy Efficiency
Gawler Community House Inc. has over 60 volunteers and provides a wide range of services and courses for the wider community, including community lunches and provision of free recycled computers.
Project story…
In July 2014 the community house used a $17,560 CORENA loan to install a 10kW solar system and replace nearby energy-guzzling public lighting with LED alternatives. This project proceeded with the approval of Gawler Town Council, the owners of the premises.
Highlights: A matching $5,000 donation from Embark to assist our fundraising; community engagement assistance from Transition Gawler; ‘above and beyond’ technical assistance from Rachel and Tom Brdanovic; part-funding of the LED lighting by the local Lions Club; a very happy opening ceremony attended by local MPs.
The matching donation came with an interesting twist. Rather than simply matching donations $ for $, in order to receive the $5,000 we were challenged to reach 1,000 new donors, even if they only chipped in $1 each. Some did literally donate $1, but quite a few donated more, and some of them went on to make extremely generous donations to subsequent projects months or even years later.
We expected this project would pay for itself in 4.5 years, but the savings on electricity bills were greater than expected. The community centre voluntarily decided to compare electricity costs with previous bills and repay us the difference rather than the quarterly amount obligated by the CORENA loan agreement. This meant that they fully repaid their loan in less than 3 years and have since enjoyed spending subsequent savings on services to the community.
You can monitor what your contribution is achieving at any time via this online monitor display. How cool is that!
This project has been fully funded – Thank you!

Honour roll
Status: Funded project – loan fully repaid
Loan amount: $17,560
Loan repayments: Agreed amount was $1,000/qtr, but they decided to repay the entire amount they saved on their electricity bills each quarter rather than the set amount.
Work details
10kW solar PV:
– 1 x SolarEdge SE10k-AUS
– 40 x SolarEdge Power Optimizers
– 40 x Yingli YGE YL250P-29P panels
– Clenergy framing
– Siemens PV1-F cable
– Kraus & Naimer DC Isolators
Replacement of 5 halogen security lights with LEDs and light sensors
Solar PV – $15,600
Input-output meter – $680 (paid by GCH)
LED lighting – LED lights + installation = $980 each. CORENA\’s loan paid for 2 of them ($1,960), and GCH and Gawler Lions paid for the other 3. The light sensors were donated by Down to Earth Sustainable Solutions.
Total cost – $21,380
Expected savings:
Solar PV – 15,200kWh/yr, $3,500/yr
LED lighting – 3600kWh/yr, $1,000/yr
Reduction in carbon emissions/yr: Equivalent to 3.39 average households using renewable electricity instead of grid electricity
Special thanks to Embark Australia for their $5,000 matching donation for this project.
Thanks to Tom and Rachel of Down to Earth Sustainable Solutions (predecessor to Tandem Energy). They provide environmental and energy efficiency services in SA, and generously volunteered their time to assess requirements, seek quotes, and organise work details for this solar and energy efficiency project.
Honour roll
Thank you to the following people for donating to this project.
Date | Name | Amount |
02/07/2014 | Riverdell Spiritual Centre | $141.67 |
02/07/2014 | A Fenton | $10.00 |
02/07/2014 | Gaby Jung | $20.00 |
01/07/2014 | CAN Wingecarribee | $500.00 |
01/07/2014 | Jonathan Maddox | $277.00 |
01/07/2014 | Julie Bain | $25.00 |
01/07/2014 | Naomi Rea | $40.00 |
01/07/2014 | GCH donation jar | $10.00 |
01/07/2014 | JG | $50.00 |
30/06/2014 | Interest | $3.39 |
26/06/2014 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
25/06/2014 | Marty Booth | $20.00 |
24/06/2014 | Original Green Co | $500.00 |
24/06/2014 | Sophia Case | $23.12 |
23/06/2014 | Mackenzie Davey | $10.00 |
21/06/2014 | Karen Hamilton | $20.00 |
20/06/2014 | David Lloyd | $25.00 |
16/06/2014 | Sally Shaw | $100.00 |
16/06/2014 | Spurrier family | $20.00 |
16/06/2014 | Jonathan Prendergast | $5.00 |
05/06/2014 | A.J. | $5.00 |
04/06/2014 | Jacinta Green | $5.00 |
02/06/2014 | Stewart Sheffield | $50.00 |
01/06/2014 | Interest | $1.80 |
31/05/2014 | D & D Clarke | $210.00 |
30/05/2014 | Embark Australia | $5,000.00 |
30/05/2014 | Evans | $5.00 |
30/05/2014 | David Clark | $4.58 |
28/05/2014 | GCH donation jar | $32.50 |
27/05/2014 | R. F. Hawker | $200.00 |
27/05/2014 | Trudy Bray | $1.65 |
26/05/2014 | Chris Simmons | $100.00 |
26/05/2014 | Anon | $1.00 |
26/05/2014 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
26/05/2014 | Marty Booth | $20.00 |
25/05/2014 | Sophia Case | $23.12 |
23/05/2014 | Mackenzie Davey | $10.00 |
22/05/2014 | Tulgeen repayment | $1,000.00 |
22/05/2014 | Peacock Media Group | $48.50 |
22/05/2014 | Kathryn Saxton | $10.00 |
22/05/2014 | Melb donation jar | $175.00 |
21/05/2014 | Gawler donation jar | $222.45 |
21/05/2014 | Mavis (Gawler) | $50.00 |
21/05/2014 | Rachelle | $25.00 |
20/05/2014 | Bill’s friends | $2.00 |
20/05/2014 | Andrew Gosling | $5.00 |
19/05/2014 | Michelle Clode | $1.00 |
19/05/2014 | Scott Webber | $9.46 |
19/05/2014 | Andrew Phillips | $50.00 |
19/05/2014 | Fifteens Trees | $14.34 |
19/05/2014 | JMR | $50.00 |
18/05/2014 | Chris Tyerman | $20.00 |
18/05/2014 | M in May bucket #2 | $39.75 |
18/05/2014 | M in May bucket #1 | $106.50 |
18/05/2014 | Dayna Millsteed | $4.58 |
17/05/2014 | Glynn $ Liz | $100.00 |
17/05/2014 | Jennifer Howlett | $9.46 |
17/05/2014 | Hands across Sands | $31.75 |
16/05/2014 | David D | $500.00 |
16/05/2014 | Bianca P | $0.68 |
16/05/2014 | Stuart Bruce | $4.58 |
16/05/2014 | $1 bucket at film | $52.45 |
15/05/2014 | Paul Boundy | $0.68 |
15/05/2014 | M. N. Corbett | $24.10 |
14/05/2014 | Spurrier family | $20.00 |
14/05/2014 | Bel Moore | $4.58 |
14/05/2014 | Jonathan Prendergast | $5.00 |
14/05/2014 | Barbara Prendergast | $0.68 |
14/05/2014 | Vicky Schreiber | $19.22 |
14/05/2014 | Alex “MonsterChef” Neilson | $4.58 |
13/05/2014 | Roma Guerin | $9.46 |
13/05/2014 | Kate’s friends | $5.00 |
12/05/2014 | Robyn | $20.00 |
12/05/2014 | CMH | $50.00 |
09/05/2014 | Stewart Sheff | $50.00 |
08/05/2014 | Abby | $10.00 |
08/05/2014 | Vanessa Henley | $2.00 |
08/05/2014 | ($1 challenge) | $10.00 |
08/05/2014 | Sebastian Meyer | $1.00 |
08/05/2014 | Flik Schemmer | $5.00 |
08/05/2014 | Haydn Lowe | $20.00 |
07/05/2014 | Jonathan Prendergast | $1.00 |
07/05/2014 | ($1 challenge) | $1.00 |
07/05/2014 | Daniel Hughes | $0.68 |
06/05/2014 | Bill Gresham | $300.00 |
06/05/2014 | Bills’s friends 2 | $13.00 |
06/05/2014 | EV group, ACT | $15.00 |
06/05/2014 | Robin Brown | $5.00 |
06/05/2014 | Ian Bailey | $4.58 |
05/05/2014 | Jean Keir | $0.68 |
05/05/2014 | Jacinta Green | $5.00 |
05/05/2014 | A J Cusack | $10.00 |
04/05/2014 | John Baxter | $3.60 |
03/05/2014 | SA May Day | $76.00 |
03/05/2014 | Adel Activist Centre | $10.00 |
02/05/2014 | Greens games night | $23.00 |
01/05/2014 | Interest | $0.69 |
30/04/2014 | Mary W | $20.00 |
29/04/2014 | Tracey Lamb | $4.58 |
29/04/2014 | Dave & Denece Clarke | $210.00 |
29/04/2014 | Gaby Jung | $30.00 |
29/04/2014 | Joshua Lamb | $4.58 |
29/04/2014 | Shaun Branden | $1.65 |
28/04/2014 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
28/04/2014 | Marty Booth | $50.00 |
28/04/2014 | G M King | $1.00 |
28/04/2014 | Liisa Rusanen | $1.00 |
25/04/2014 | G M Caunce | $0.68 |
24/04/2014 | Rachel B | $10.00 |
24/04/2014 | Fraser Argue | $100.00 |
24/04/2014 | Andrew Allen | $9.46 |
24/04/2014 | Sophia Case | $23.12 |
23/04/2014 | Garry Hughes | $3.56 |
23/04/2014 | Yizhen Zhu | $1.65 |
23/04/2014 | Thomas Champine | $0.68 |
22/04/2014 | Robyn Wood | $10.00 |
18/04/2014 | L.A.C.K.R.I.O.T | $8.00 |
18/04/2014 | The Hamiltons | $5.00 |
17/04/2014 | Engage Digital | $19.22 |
17/04/2014 | AD | $20.00 |
17/04/2014 | TM | $20.00 |
16/04/2014 | HJ Panoch | $13.00 |
16/04/2014 | David Clark | $7.02 |
16/04/2014 | Ariki Hita | $9.46 |
15/04/2014 | Dean O’Callaghan | $4.58 |
15/04/2014 | James Saunders | $0.68 |
14/04/2014 | Marie Vonow | $5.00 |
14/04/2014 | Spurrier family | $20.00 |
11/04/2014 | Matthew Moate | $19.22 |
11/04/2014 | Matthew L | $1.00 |
11/04/2014 | Melissa Versteeg | $1.16 |
10/04/2014 | Robert Hart | $48.50 |
09/04/2014 | Charles Eaton | $0.68 |
09/04/2014 | Vanessa Henley | $10.00 |
09/04/2014 | Gawler CH jar | $228.45 |
09/04/2014 | Chris Anderson | $500.00 |
09/04/2014 | Karen Buxron | $50.00 |
08/04/2014 | $1 challenge | $50.00 |
04/04/2014 | Jacinta Green | $5.00 |
02/04/2014 | Pip | $50.00 |
02/04/2014 | Duncan Reilly | $1.16 |
01/04/2014 | Paul Harris | $1.16 |
01/04/2014 | PID Tuning | $0.68 |
01/04/2014 | Nadia McLaren | $19.22 |
31/03/2014 | Wanderers 4WD Club | $20.00 |
31/03/2014 | Gawler Produce Share | $13.00 |
31/03/2014 | Fred Horvath | $20.00 |
31/03/2014 | Telford | $10.00 |
31/03/2014 | Interest | 0.12 |
30/03/2014 | Lisa Nicholls | $2.63 |
29/03/2014 | Lari Dimitrios | $1.00 |
29/03/2014 | Earth’s Animals | $1.16 |
29/03/2014 | Michelle’s party | $88.00 |
29/03/2014 | Alison | $50.00 |
28/03/2014 | Yarrow Andrew | $200.00 |
28/03/2014 | 20 x $1 challenge | $20.00 |
27/03/2014 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
27/03/2014 | pix | $10.00 |
27/03/2014 | Beth Spencer | $3.60 |
27/03/2014 | Sebastian Geers | $33.86 |
27/03/2014 | Anon | $1.00 |
26/03/2014 | Andrew | $10.00 |
26/03/2014 | Anon | $5.00 |
26/03/2014 | Jenny M | $5.00 |
25/03/2014 | Willison | $5.00 |
25/03/2014 | 2 x $1 challenge | $2.00 |
25/03/2014 | Bill’s friends | $21.00 |
25/03/2014 | Marty Booth | $20.00 |
25/03/2014 | $1 challenge (Gawler) | $15.00 |
24/03/2014 | 10 x $1 challenge | $10.00 |
24/03/2014 | Gaby Jung | $10.00 |
24/03/2014 | Matthew Curnow | $50.00 |
24/03/2014 | Gary Rowbottom | $20.00 |
21/03/2014 | anonymous | $20.00 |
21/03/2014 | Wade | $10.00 |
21/03/2014 | Charlene Grainger | $11.00 |
21/03/2014 | P. Koppel | $3.00 |
21/03/2014 | L.S. | $1.00 |
21/03/2014 | 4 x $1 challenge | $4.00 |
21/03/2014 | Sonja | $5.00 |
20/03/2014 | Dan Spencer | $50.00 |
20/03/2014 | Terrence Mc B | $100.00 |
20/03/2014 | Michael D | $10.00 |
20/03/2014 | 4 x $1 challenge | $4.00 |
20/03/2014 | MJ | $10.00 |
20/03/2014 | Anon | $5.00 |
19/03/2014 | $1 challenge | $1.00 |
19/03/2014 | David G Lloyd | $50.00 |
19/03/2014 | Janet Rice | $10.00 |
19/03/2014 | Bill Gresham | $200.00 |
19/03/2014 | Bob Douglas | $5.00 |
19/03/2014 | Rosemary Blemings | $11.00 |
18/03/2014 | 4 x $1 challenge | $4.00 |
17/03/2014 | V. R. Henley | $6.60 |
17/03/2014 | Mike Meldrum | $100.00 |
17/03/2014 | L E Fox | $20.00 |
17/03/2014 | Heather Brown | $40.00 |
17/03/2014 | Pete and Wendy | $5.00 |
17/03/2014 | $1 challenge | $14.55 |
17/03/2014 | Colin Lambie | $5.00 |
17/03/2014 | C. Stanyon | $20.00 |
17/03/2014 | Michael Kubler | $50.00 |
16/03/2014 | March in March Adel | $103.20 |
14/03/2014 | Spurrier Family | $20.00 |
13/03/2014 | TT Guildford, WA | $50.00 |
10/03/2014 | Womad – Anon | $1.85 |
05/03/2014 | Jacinta Green | $5.00 |
01/03/2014 | Karen Buxton | $50.00 |
28/02/2014 | Interest | $0.06 |
27/02/2014 | Glenn Christie Family | $20.00 |
26/02/2014 | Dave Clarke | $210.00 |
26/02/2014 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
25/02/2014 | Marty Booth | $20.00 |
25/02/2014 | Sally Marsland | $100.00 |
21/02/2014 | Tulgeen repayment | $1,000.00 |
18/02/2014 | Vanessa Henley | $25.00 |
18/02/2014 | E Hatcher | $80.00 |
15/02/2014 | Spurrier family | $20.00 |
14/02/2014 | Michael Kubler | $50.00 |
12/02/2014 | TT Guildford | $50.00 |
04/02/2014 | Jacinta Green | $5.00 |
04/02/2014 | Dalwood/Warhurst family | $25.00 |
01/02/2014 | Interest | $0.04 |
01/02/2014 | Jacinta Green | $10.00 |
29/01/2014 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
28/01/2014 | Marty Booth | $20.00 |
19/01/2014 | DBW (via PayPal) | $585.30 |
16/01/2014 | Michael Kubler | $50.00 |
07/01/2014 | N.B. | $100.00 |
05/01/2014 | Spurrier family | $20.00 |
04/01/2014 | PayPal test | $4.58 |
31/12/2013 | Interest | $0.02 |
27/12/2013 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
24/12/2013 | Kerryn Dragicevich gift | $100.00 |
19/12/2013 | Xmas gift for Donna | $50.00 |
15/12/2013 | Emma, Phil, Walsh, Koopa | $25.00 |
15/12/2013 | Xmas gift Laura WADE | $25.00 |
15/12/2013 | Michael Kubler | $50.00 |
3/12/2013 | raffle | $45.00 |
2/12/2013 | Raffle | $80.00 |
2/12/2013 | PayPal verify | $0.18 |
1/12/2013 | Interest | $1.50 |
26/11/2013 | Anton Maurus | $35.00 |
26/11/2013 | Anon | $10.00 |
25/11/2013 | Simon Eastman | $60.00 |
18/11/2013 | Michael Kubler | $50.00 |
18/11/2013 | raffle | $385.00 |
18/11/2013 | John Rolls | $47.74 |