We all know that it is wise to invest in our future, right? And many of us have grave concerns about what that future looks like if we charge ahead with unmitigated climate change.
Introducing CORENA’s ‘super’ fund (www.corenafund.org.au). Here is a fund that keeps giving back to our planet from the moment anyone starts contributing to it.

The concept is simple. Donations are lent interest-free to pay for renewable energy and energy efficiency – instant activities that reduce our impact on the planet. We make these loans to community organisations, wonderful non-profit groups that are already doing so much for our communities. Those organisations pay the loan back to the CORENA fund as their installation saves them money on their electricity bill. Once the loan is repaid, the savings are theirs to keep. Meanwhile the repaid money is invested directly in the next project.
Like any super investment, the fund is growing. So far Australians who want to do something tangible to tackle climate change have chipped in almost $70,000. Some of that money has already been used a second or even a third time in subsequent projects. The fund has already achieved $90,000 worth of solar and energy efficiency measures.
Spectacular growth takes time though, just like your super. Contributions to recent projects will hardly have grown at all, but $100 contributed to the first community solar project two years ago has already achieved $178 worth of clean energy goodness. You can imagine how much we can all achieve together once this fund has a few more years under its belt.
Altogether CORENA\’s revolving fund has installed 52kW of community solar and energy efficiency measures, and avoided 54 MWh of grid electricity.
This week CORENA launched its new Impact Calculator. Now anyone who donates can watch the impact of their investment grow and grow – just like your superannuation.
Click here to use the Impact Calculator to see what your donation to any project has achieved so far. If you are a new donor, now is the time to contribute – one of our generous supporters is offering to match your donation dollar for dollar. Why not try out the calculator? Enter your intended amount as a hypothetical donation to Project 1 and see how much impact it will have over the next two years.
CORENA – We think it’s super!
Heather Smith