The cost of living crisis is hitting us all making it harder to donate discretionary funds to our charities. But what if there were ways to donate to your favourite charity (we hope it’s CORENA) without spending a cent!

1. Recommend Us to your Work’s Corporate Giving Program
Lots of workplaces have workplace charity giving programs which can run in all sorts of forms including grant programs and one off donations, especially around the end of financial year or Christmas. Recommending CORENA to these programs is a great way of supporting us for free. If your workplace would like to donate you can direct them to our major gifts page here. Please note that CORENA assesses our corporate donors to ensure they meet our ethical criteria. For example we can’t accept donations from fossil fuel companies.

2. Run a Birthday Fundraiser
Who needs more stuff for their birthday. CORENA is registered with the ACNC which means you can set up a birthday fundraiser in Facebook or Go Fund Me and select CORENA as the charity you wish to support. Too easy!

3. Donate Us the Refund on your Cans & Bottles
We are registered to receive the refund on your bottles and cans in several states. Find the membership numbers here. Recycle, reduce litter and support your favourite climate charity all at the same time.

4. Share Our Posts
Help us spread the word without us having to pay for advertising. Simply share our social media posts about our project fundraising.

5. Volunteer
Skilled volunteers mean we don’t have to pay someone to do things or give us advice. At the moment we are looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, streamlining our business systems and finding projects.

Learn more in 7 Reasons To Donate To CORENA – A Renewable Energy & Climate Charity